The Role of a Wingwoman in Business

The Role of a Wingwoman in Business

Running your own business is exciting but let’s be real, it’s not always easy! Whether you started six months, 12 months, 5 years, or even 25 years ago, challenges are all part of the story and they’re not always predictable. Examples include imposter syndrome creeping in, or you might find yourself stuck in a rut, […]

Client Love: LinkedIn Mentoring

Image saying Client Love: LinkedIn Mentoring

Business Name: Eye See Coaching Client Name: Iona Currie Nature of business: Career Coaching 1:1 LinkedIn Mentoring Programme Louisa: Week 1 was about understanding you and what makes you tick.  Did you find this useful?  Did it make you think about anything? Iona: Yes, it really got me looking at why I do my coaching […]

10 Key Benefits of a Supportive Business Community

The Key Benefits of a Supportive Business Community

In the crazy world of business, finding the right community which aligns with your values and goals can be a minefield in itself, never mind finding one that also offers holistic support without the feeling of it being too ‘woo’. As a business owner myself, I’ve tried lots of online communities – some free and […]

Growing Your Business With Ease As An Introvert

woman holding something covering her face

When I first launched my business, I was worried about whether I would succeed because I’ve always preferred to be behind the scenes rather than being the centre of attention. Unlike many others I spoke to, I didn’t have lots of connections who would be interested in my services. That in itself was daunting enough, […]

Outsourcing 101: Who?

Image with arrows pointing outwards

I’ve addressed the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ but the big question now is, what about the ‘who’? Unfortunately, there are no quick answers to this because it depends on the type of work you are looking to outsource and whether you prefer to use an agency or to go directly to a company/freelancer. For the […]

Outsourcing 101: How

Arrows pointing outwards from the word outsourcing

In the previous article, Outsourcing 101: Why?, I explained the pros and cons of outsourcing but now it is important to consider the ‘how’ and the process to take to ensure it is done effectively. The first point is not to confuse outsourcing with offshoring. When I worked in the corporate world, a lot of roles […]

Outsourcing 101: Why?

Arrows pointing outwards from the word outsourcing

We can often view outsourcing as a luxury because the mindset is such that you can only do it if you can afford it but it is important to consider the factors behind why you are thinking about it. In the past when I have spoken to people, they often tell me it’s something they […]

Getting Started with Business Strategy Examples

Doodles linked to strategy

You have set goals for your business but do you have a strategy for achieving them or are you hoping it will magically happen? In December 2020, whilst working on plans for this website and as part of it, I carried out some market research. I asked several business owners if they were working strategically. […]

Managing A Team For The First Time

8 fists put together to form a circle

Whether you have been given a promotion at work or you run your own business and you’re planning to outsource, if you suddenly find yourself responsible for managing people/projects, you might experience a range of emotions. Excitement because suddenly you have added responsibility, it will enable you to grow (personally and professionally) and the opportunity […]

Consistency In Business

Arrows in a pattern

Consistency is a word I use a lot. But what has it got to do with your strategy? In a word, EVERYTHING! It’s about how you apply yourself, your approach, frequency, building your reputation/brand, the message you send out and how you are perceived, the promises you make and the expectations you set… the list […]