Business Name: Eye See Coaching
Client Name: Iona Currie
Nature of business: Career Coaching
1:1 LinkedIn Mentoring Programme
Louisa: Week 1 was about understanding you and what makes you tick. Did you find this useful? Did it make you think about anything?
Iona: Yes, it really got me looking at why I do my coaching which in turn got me looking at what my profile etc. was saying.
Louisa: Week 2 was about understanding your why. Did you find this useful? Did it make you think about anything?
Iona: I loved this week. It’s so important to know why you do what you do, by making sure you are matching what you do with your why you’ll enjoy it. This is really the whole point of the coaching I do.
Louisa: Week 3 was about identifying your market. Did you find this useful? Did it make you think about anything?
Iona: Yes I think this is the area I struggle with most so it helped me focus. There is a lot of niche advice out there most of which is either confusing or conflicting.
Louisa: Week 4 covered your LinkedIn profile. Did you find this useful? Did you learn anything new and/or make any changes?
Iona: This was probably the week that needed the least work but what Louisa did was introduce a tracker for posting to be in place for the following week. So it was very much adapted to suit me.
Louisa: How did you find being set homework? 3 pieces of content to be posted by the following week?
Iona: I now post a lot on LinkedIn and feel really comfortable doing it, this was the week that kicked that off. I would post but not really about what I do so who would know what they could get from me.
Louisa: Do you think the programme was too long or just right? 12 sessions over 22 weeks.
Iona: I think you get real value out of the length of time. To see results can happen quickly but to see continued results needs that continued support. Louisa keeps you on track and will call you out stall.
Louisa: What was your biggest takeaway from the programme?
Iona: What works and what doesn’t on LinkedIn. But not so much concentrating on the views but what actually brings value and business.
Louisa: Did you find the accountability and brainstorming sessions useful? Please give reasons for your answer.
Iona: Yes I like to brainstorm so having Louisa to do that with when you are on your own in business is so valuable. As I mentioned in the last question Louisa is great at making you accountable so you don’t start to slip. That consistency is key.
Digging into the detail
Louisa: How did you first hear about my services?
Iona: I found Louisa on LinkedIn, really liked her profile and what she did. She also has some great reviews.
Louisa: Why did you choose us over the competition?
Iona: It was clear from the start what you get from Louisa, it can be quite difficult to see value with others.
Louisa: What challenges were you facing and what motivated you to solve them?
Iona: I was struggling to move my audience and to move from one part of my business to the full coaching.
Louisa: How did I help you?
Iona: Louisa worked with me on content ideas and content types for posting. She also created a tracker so we could monitor performance and what was really seeing results.
Louisa: What was the impact of this solution? For example, gaining different perspectives and new ideas, increased productivity etc.
Iona: Gaining an outside perspective on what my audience would likely want to hear was great but also tapping into the knowledge Louisa has on what grabs attention and what is important to keep doing was great. The result was less time wasted and more consistency.
Louisa: What have you been most impressed with or surprised by?
Iona: How easy it was to shift my confidence in what I posted. It really is as simple as getting started. the first few times you put yourself out there you feel vulnerable but with the right audience I only saw huge support.
Louisa: What would be your top tip to other businesses facing similar challenges?
Iona: Get started and keep up consistency (you do not need to post 5 times a day).
Louisa: Is there anything that could have been done differently, room for improvement?
Iona: No.
The Programme
Not everyone feels comfortable with social media and there are lots of different reasons for this. You might be shy, an introvert, neurodiverse or maybe it’s none of those reasons and it’s a case of you don’t know what you don’t know.
Alternatively, you might be keen to get started on social media but you don’t know what to post and you have a habit of posting once in a blue moon.
This programme will give you ideas and accountability.
Across 12 sessions, we will cover the following:
- Week 1: Understanding YOU
- Week 2: Defining your WHY
- Week 3: Identifying your MARKET
- Week 4: Reviewing your PROFILE
- Week 5: Generating CONTENT
- Week 6: Tackling the WOBBLES
- Week 7: Building an AUDIENCE
- Week 8: Content INSIGHTS
- Week 14: Content GENERATOR
- Week 18: NO HIDING
The sessions aren’t set in stone. There is flexibility and what you will learn can be applied to all your online communication channels.
An introvert on LinkedIn
If you have seen my content on LinkedIn, you might be surprised to hear that I am a real introvert! I have always preferred to be behind the scenes, rather than taking centre stage but on LinkedIn, I have figured out a formula that works for attracting inbound leads.
Inbound leads?
Yes, that’s right but don’t expect this to happen overnight. It does take time and effort, not to mention being consistent. If you expect quick results, I am not the right person for you but if you want to learn to create content in a way that aligns with your core values, I am the person for you.
Why me?
Yes, there are lots of LinkedIn experts out there and I don’t profess to be one but I really do understand the platform and I also know how to create engaging content. I started using LinkedIn in 2007 and during that time it has gone through a lot of changes. The perception of the platform has also changed, although many will still view it as an online CV platform.
My approach
As already mentioned, I want to help you to learn to love LinkedIn but you do need to be willing to embrace it. The tips I share with you can also be applied to other social media platforms because it’s about understanding the best way to create compelling content in a way that feels natural to you. In return, you will attract the right type of clients/customers.
Things we will cover
Tone of voice, messaging, brand image (I don’t mean your logo and colours), personality and the list goes on but this is all really important in finding the best way of creating content for you. This is why I don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to the mentoring I offer.
Learn from my experiences
Here we are, 16 years on from when I first created my account. Back in 2007, I used it as a way to stay in contact with colleagues and suppliers, then I used it as a way to gather testimonials. In 2011, I started using it to headhunt people, growing a Company Page and posting content. From 2017, it became a place for building relationships, adding value and gaining clients.
I understand the platform and I have mentored others on how to use it. I regularly receive comments/messages from people telling me I am at the top of their feed or that I create engaging content, so let’s connect and you will be able to see what I do from my own account.
Keen to find out more? Book a free 20-minute call with me.
About Louisa van Vessem

Hi there! I’m Louisa, and I work with creatives and leaders to help them succeed in business.
As a creative business mentor and strategist, my goal is to give you ideas, strategy, clarity, direction, accountability and community. I take the big picture as well as the details seriously – I focus on the end result but also how you can get there, keeping things simple with fun thrown into the mix.
I love getting to know people who want to build their business(es). If you’re looking for someone who can help give you an idea of where your business could go next, I’d love to hear from you! Let’s chat.
Let’s connect on social media
Don’t worry, I’m not spending lots of time on social media, I repurpose content across channels at different times.
LinkedIn | Instagram – Ingenious Corner | Instagram – InclUSion | TikTok – Ingenious Corner | TikTok – InclUSion | Pinterest | YouTube