Louisa van Vessem stood in a garden

Calming the Chaos.

Holistic strategies with implementation support.

Clarity | Direction | Accountability

Inclusive atom of an orange heart

Calming the Chaos

Your Path to Clarity and Control

My free 5-day mini-series starts on Monday, the 8th of July 2024 with a masterclass and Q&A session taking place on Tuesday, the 16th of July 2024.

What’s Your Superpower?  

Ever wondered what about your superpower?  No, not the kind that lets you fly or turn invisible.  I’m talking about that special knack, the thing that you’re naturally great at.  Maybe it’s a sport, a hobby turned business, or maybe you’re a whizz with numbers, effortlessly solving equations in your head.

My Superpower:  Instinctively Knowing What Works

Well, over the years I’ve realised that my superpower is instinctively knowing what works… Call it intuition, call it insight – I’ve got a knack for connecting the dots and identifying what’s missing, both in life and business.  Being both creative and analytical, I’ve got the whole left and right brain thing going on, which means I’m not only strategic but also practical.  

How My Superpower Benefits You

Whether you’re feeling stuck and need a friendly ear to bounce ideas off, or you are looking for a partner to bring your visions to life, I’m here to help.

Collaborative Support for Your Success

I love collaborating with individuals and teams, using my superpower to offer clarity, direction, and a healthy dose of accountability.  Together we will unlock your potential and make your goals a reality.  

Who Do I Work With?

Quite honestly, it’s completely varied.  From those who are at a crossroads in their lives and want support to help them navigate their next steps and need a gentle push forward, to creatives, leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs seeking clarity, practical solutions and accountability.  

For those who, like me, are neurodivergent, I offer tailored support to help you achieve success on your terms.

Ways of Working With Me

Work With Me

Looking to grow your business but not sure what the next steps are? Drowning under ideas and to-do lists? Keen to improve your results?

360 Business Support

From tech solutions to creative brilliance, marketing mastery, and executive support, we’re here to turn your aspirations into achievements.  Let’s shape success together!

One to One Programme

Conquer your goals and turn your thoughts and ideas into reality.  A flexible 3 month* programme offering actionable strategies and accountability.


InclUSion is a peer-to-peer business community offering support through the hub, co-working sessions and live events.

“It’s really good to discuss different ideas with someone who is prepared to challenge your thinking, your goals, and your (lack of!) plan. You really encouraged and inspired me and also gave me the confidence to keep going… in a no-nonsense approach, which is how I like to work.”

Lucy Clarkson, CEO – Blossom & Grace

Photo of Louisa van Vessem wearing a blue and white dress

Find Out More

Whether you’re starting out or have years of experience, I know the challenges you face.  I’m a business owner, after all.  I also understand that the support you need and the budget you have will vary depending on where you are on your journey.

Perhaps you’d like to pick my brain or need someone to hold you accountable to decisions you’ve made?  Maybe you need help with practicalities and processes but don’t know where to start.  Or maybe you’re feeling stuck in a rut and you can’t see the wood for the trees, let’s have a chat to see how I can help you move forward. 

Examples of How I Can Help You

Are you a people pleaser?  Often finding you say “yes” when really you want to say “no”.

I have helped clients establish boundaries based on what works for them and then giving them suggestions on how to get their clients on side leading to a win-win situation.

Think about how many times you find yourself working more hours than you had intended?  However, if you made some changes, you might find it also works better for those around you.

The first step here is to understand where you are right now and where you want to get to.  What do you want to achieve?

I will listen to what you have done so far and then I will audit it, giving you my feedback on it from the perspective of a customer.  

From there we will create a strategy based on areas to focus on that will look at attracting and building an audience.

This might include making changes to your website, social media accounts and looking at PR opportunities such as guest appearances (blogs, podcasts, etc.).

We will also talk about your brand voice and personality and how that feeds into the bigger picture, as well as consistency.

Whether you’re starting out or 10, 15+ years’ down the line, it’s easy to feel a little stagnant because you’re stuck in a rut.

I will take you through my signature programme called The Connect Programme.  It’s all about digging into the detail and helping you to figure out areas to focus on.  

I’m a huge advocate of looking at life as a whole rather than keeping life and business/career separately.

For example, what are your values, what matters to you, who matters to you, why do you do what you do and how does this feed into the rest of your life?

Is it time to review everything and consider your values, your why, mission and vision?

If you don’t know where to start, I can help.

Sadly, life doesn’t always go to plan and difficult conversations need to happen.

I am experienced in knowing how to handle these types of situations and together we will discuss different ways for you to resolve them.

You’re not alone and sometimes knowing you have someone in your corner can make a huge difference.

Together we will analyse how you work and the approach you take.

This includes how you plan your time on a weekly basis and planning for the future.

It is about understanding whether you are a morning person or more of a night owl, when you’re most creative, etc.  From there we can look at creating a flexible yet structured way of working to help you ditch procrastination and stay on track.

Are you feeling stuck right now because you can’t think clearly and you don’t know what to do next?  
Quite often I act as a sounding board where I actively listen to what you’re saying and I pick up on the unspoken word and through a series of questions, this can help you figure out your next steps.

Whether you’re a planner or a ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ type of person, when you keep things simple, it makes life a lot easier.

This is about looking at why you do things, how you do it and what the impact is.  Again, what are you trying to achieve?

Although I have a creative mind, I also love looking at the bigger picture and how everything feeds into it and that’s what we will do.

It’s such an effective tool for giving you clarity and identifying any gaps.

I am a mix of left and right brained – I’m really creative in my thinking – often coming up with innovative ideas but I’m also strategic and analytical with a practical edge.

Yes, I am ambitious and I have lots of ideas but I think about how they feed into the bigger picture and consider the detail.

Often people are one side of the coin or the other and that’s why I love working with creatives and leaders to fill in the gaps and to keep you on track.

Together we work in partnership to make your vision a reality.

I’m talking about the day-to-day ‘stuff’… digging into the detail and looking at how it all fits into the bigger picture.

Potentially analysing aspects of your business and how you run those areas, who is involved and what can be done to make things run smoothly. 

I have a range of resources – free and paid to help you.  Book a free call with me and I will share with you the best option.

When working for yourself, it can be a lonely experience.  Yes, you can talk with family, friends and peers but do they really understand or do they tell you what they think you want to hear.

Some clients like to have a weekly session where they can offload everything with me chipping in occasionally with thoughts and ideas.   

Other times, it is about the client offloading everything that is going on in their head.

Depending on the frequency of the sessions, it might be that I create a working document as a reference guide so you know what to do and when and that can really help with accountability, as can just talking about what’s on your mind.

Managing a team isn’t easy, especially if you haven’t done it before.  Where do you even start??

This is where I step in, I can give you the guidance and direction you need to find the right people (employees and freelancers).  Talk through different processes that I have experience in from hiring to the paperwork required and on the onboarding process.

It doesn’t stop there… you need to manage the team and decide what that looks like for you.  

I have experience of hiring employees and freelancers, onboarding people and sadly, ending contracts.

Pick my brain and ask me anything.  Perhaps you’ve had an idea but you don’t know how to progress with it or maybe doubts and imposter syndrome are kicking in or maybe you get sucked in by shiny object syndrome.

Let’s figure out what you want and need and create a plan of attack to help you get there.

“What’s different about Louisa is that she genuinely ‘gets’ you and wants to help you succeed.  She has a refreshing no-nonsense approach and brings a wealth of experience to the table for you to devour.”

Eleanor Goold, Copywriter

Kreativ Copywriting