The Energiser Session

Perfect for getting unstuck, gaining clarity and feeling excited about what’s next.

Louisa holding a cup. Words on the image say... Help! Join me for a focused hour to explore ways to develop, refine or grow your business in a way that works for you.

Isn't it time you untangled your mind?

In today’s world, we’re all juggling a million things at once.

We’re trying to make sense of the news, figure out how to grow our businesses, and stay on top of what’s happening around us.

We need clarity.  We need ideas.  And we need strategy.

That’s where The Energiser Session comes in.  I will untangle your mind and help you brainstorm the best ideas for your business.  I’ll even pick your brain and come up with a strategy that’s just right for you!

I know that running a business can be tough, especially when it comes to managing the day-to-day tasks.  That’s why I’m offering the super-convenient Energiser Sessions: they’ll help you take a step back from all the noise and get clear on what’s important so you can focus on getting stuff done.  After one session with mes, you’ll have clarity and ideas galore!

What is an Energiser Session?

It’s similar to a virtual cuppa but whereas those are about getting to know each other in 20 minutes, these sessions are designed to give you clarity with your business and leave you feeling excited about what’s next.

You decide the topic for the call. 

It’s an open forum where we’ll talk about what’s going on in your head, what’s holding you back, and how to figure out what direction to take next. Your ideas are welcome and so is whatever is going through your mind.

Testimonial from Nadine Powrie

10 examples of how I can help you

You’ve got an awesome idea but you don’t know how to execute it.  You need some direction and ideas on how to implement it and how to position it for your target market.  In an hour, we can discuss the foundations for moving it forward and at the end of an hour, you’ll have clarity and an action plan.

Content creation and social media are your nemeses.  You end up getting brain freeze because you overthink everything and imposter syndrome sometimes creeps in.  In an hour we can discuss a strategy that will work for you, along with creating a content plan.

You want to start being more active on LinkedIn but you don’t know where to start.  During the hour, we will discuss how to use the platform effectively and the type of content that would be beneficial for you to share.  

You’ve come up with some new package ideas but you’re not sure whether they’re right or not.  Again, imposter syndrome is creeping in and you want a sounding board to see if you’ve missed anything and to make sense of it all.  

You’re considering going from you as an individual to growing a team but you don’t know whether that’s right for you.  Knowing that I used to have a team of freelancers, you want to pick my brain and decide whether it is the right move for you and see if there’s anything that you haven’t considered.

You’re at a crossroads and you don’t know what you want to do.  Should you continue doing what you’re doing now or should you pivot?  Together we will explore the different options and I will ask you questions to really make you think about what is best for you going forward.

You have a creative mindset and you have a creative business but you recognise that you’re not thinking strategically about the direction of your business.  In an hour, we can discuss what your goals and objectives are and start laying the groundwork for creating a sustainable business that will grow with you.

You’re a strategic and/or an analytical thinker and in your mind, you’re not creative.  You want to use this hour to find out how to grow and develop your business and at the end of the call, have new ideas.

From brainstorming of ideas to asking for advice and feedback on a range of topics.

Get my feedback on something you’ve been working on or run through a presentation and get my thoughts and ideas on anything that has been missed.

What you will gain:

Headspace = clarity.  Direction = strategy.  Innovative ideas = creativity.

A renewed energy and excitement about what’s next!

What am I good at?

  • Offering different perspectives that don’t follow the normal ways.
  • Picking up on the unspoken word – the stuff you don’t mention but reading between the lines is there.
  • Recognising the blindspots and missed opportunities.
  • Thinking in a way that’s creative, yet strategic, analytical and pragmatic all at the same time!
  • Offering guidance/advice on something that’s holding you back and stopping you from taking action.


Isn’t it time you stopped deliberating and took action?  

How much and what's included?

1 x 30-minutes

The Energiser Session
£ 75
  • One-off 60-minute call
  • Recording of the call
  • Any notes from the call

1 x 60-minutes

The Energiser Session
£ 150
  • One-off 60-minute call
  • Recording of the call
  • Any notes from the call

4 x 90-minutes

The Energiser Session+
£ 650
  • 4 x quarterly 90-minute calls
  • Recording and any notes from the call
  • Prepaid up front*


It’s time where you can share what’s going on in your head, talk about what challenges you’re facing, explain what’s frustrating you and discuss what’s holding you back… basically anything and everything that is  stopping you from achieving your goals. 

It’s like a sounding board for all those thoughts bouncing around in your brain that need some room to breathe and work themselves out before they can be turned into actionable steps towards success.

And it works!  I know from experience that when given 60/90 minutes to focus on all those things that are holding us back from success, we end up with clarity, innovative ideas and direction, all of which will help you achieve your goals faster than ever before!

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