Inclusive atom of an orange heart

Calming the Chaos

Your Path to Clarity and Control 

My free 5 day mini-series starts on Monday, the 8th of July 2024

Calming the Chaos Mini-Series

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and stuck in a never-ending cycle of chaos?

Do you find yourself juggling too many tasks, losing focus and struggling to regain control?

If this resonates with you, it’s time to take a step back and bring some order to your life with the Calming the Chaos Mini-Series.

What is Calming the Chaos?

  • A 5-day mini-series to help you gain clarity, set goals and regain control
  • Daily mind mapping and reflection activities
  • Live masterclass and Q&A session on Tuesday, the 16th of July
  • All taking place in a private Facebook group (if you don’t use Facebook, join the sessions on Zoom)


What should I expect?

  1. Daily Tasks and Activities:  Each day, you’ll find a new post with detailed instructions for the day’s task or activity.  These tasks will range from mind mapping exercises to reflective prompts, designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of your priorities and aspirations.
  2.  Masterclass and Q&A Session:  On Tuesday, the 16th of July, I will be hosting a masterclass and Q&A session.  This is your opportunity to understand the strategies I’ve shared, along with additional practical tips and advice.  Be sure to mark your calendars and come prepared with your questions.
  3. Support and Accountability:  This group is a nurturing community where you can share your thoughts, struggles and questions with others, free from judgement.  Talk openly and engage in the chat, offer encouragement and gain accountability from those taking part.
  4. Expert Guidance:  What I will be sharing is based on my own experiences, it’s a tried and tested approach and one I do on a regular basis.  I’ve previously run a similar mini-series, scroll down to read the testimonials and comments and feel confident that this advice/guidance will work for you. 


It starts on Monday, the 8th of July 2024.


This is for anyone and everyone that is looking to gain clarity, direction,  structure and accountability.

If you’re feeling frustrated, stuck in a rut, suffering from burn out, not sure what to do next, finding yourself procrastinating, etc. then this is for you.

Even if you think you have your life sorted, you might still benefit from this challenge because it might make you think about the direction you’re heading in.

I’m pleased you asked.

There will be five daily activities for you to complete.  If you’re comfortable to do so, share your mind maps and thoughts in the group because then you will receive feedback.

Yes, you will recieve the following tasks:

Task 1:  Brainstorming your present

Task 2:  Reflection

Task 3:  Consider your future

Task 4:  Brainstorm your future

Task 5:  ACTION Cross

The main aim of the mini-series clarity and control.

YES!!!  It’s 100% free!!!

If you don’t use Facebook, don’t worry, you can still get involved.

Email me ( and you will receive the tasks via email and links to join the lives via Zoom.

Who is Louisa van Vessem?

Louisa van Vessem stood in a garden

Hi, I’m Louisa van Vessem and I am the host of this mini-series.

I’m passionate about taking a holistic approach to life and it’s because of my personal challenges.  I’ve got chronic health conditions, I’m solo parenting, my son is autistic and I found out at 43 years old that I’m autistic.  I strongly suspect I’ve got AuDHD (autism and ADHD), so I understand firsthand the importance of finding calm amongst the chaos.

I’ve been self-employed since 2017 but prior to that, I worked in the corporate and SME worlds in both the UK and overseas.  

Why this matters to you.

I’m committed to inclusivity, simplicity and making a real difference in people’s lives.  The strategies I’ve developed don’t just work for me, they can work for you too.  Scroll down to the testimonials and you’ll see the impact my approach makes.

I developed this mini-series based on my personal experiences and professional expertise.  It’s:

Holistic:  Addressing all aspects of your life

Practical:  Offering simple, effective strategies

Inclusive:  Designed to work for diverse needs and experiences

Mini-Series Testimonials

Challenge feedback Alison

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