I’m going to say yes, but the truth is I don’t have an answer for you.
I’m no expert on blogging or SEO and I’m not a copywriter, so quite honestly, I am figuring this out as I go but I would hope by sharing content that hopefully adds value, it will make people want to return to my site.
How true this is, I have no idea!
After all, when I think of the websites I purposefully go-to for the blog content, there is only one and it belongs to the legend, John Espirian. If you’ve never heard of him, I suggest you go and check out his blog contents immediately.
Apologies to my other business friends, but I know John is practical and what he shares is practical advice.
But back to me, why am I blogging?
I used to have a VA (Virtual Assistant) Agency and I had a website for it. On the site, I have shared some blogs and one of the blogs is the most viewed page on the entire website, it’s called ‘The ultimate guide to diary management.
I wrote the blog in 2018 and I can only assume it was popular because of the title and the tips I shared. Or maybe I struck lucky and used the right keywords but regardless, it has been a popular page.
Admittedly I haven’t been particularly active with that site, it is more of a brochure site, partly because I know it’s a platform builder site and the SEO isn’t great. The other reason being I never got into the zone for it.
Why now? What’s changed?
I decided I wanted to create a new website rather than trying to use one site for all aspects of what I do but I knew the messaging was completely wrong. After all, it’s potentially different audiences.
I have also been thinking about how often I post on social media, especially on LinkedIn and when I thought about it, I realised in many ways, blogging is a very similar process.
The more you give in terms of value, the more you will receive.
Repurposing of content
Another benefit of blogging is they provide quick wins for content creation. If you have old blog posts (or recent ones), repurpose the content for your social media channels.
If you’re not sure how to repurpose it, look at what you have written. Blog posts are often filled with meaty content, so you could quite easily break the content down into a number of smaller posts and create a series based on the one blog post.
If you use LinkedIn, take the blog, amend the post slightly and share it as an article.
Alternatively, you could share links from your social channels back to the blog post on you website.
There are so many opportunities, make sure you optimise your content.
A challenge to myself
I may well regret this but my plan is to release one new blog post per week and it will be released every Monday.
The content will either be personal, thought-provoking, tip-based or quite honestly, something random but it will add value in one way or another.
If you like my style and what I have to say, I am also planning to start a newsletter. If this sounds interesting to you, you can sign up for it here.
If you’re reading this and you’re thinking you have no idea where to start when it comes to thinking of topics to write about for blogs, book an Energiser Session with me. In one hour, we can cover a lot of ground and you will leave the session full of ideas.
I’d love to know your views and experiences of blogging, drop me a message and let me know if it has worked for you.